Cancer Update: “Joshua Lipana, His Doctors, and Modern Technology Beat Cancer”

“I’m delighted to announce that Joshua Lipana’s most recent CT Scan shows across-the-board improvements, including ‘Near complete resolution of mediastinal abnormality.’ What was a five-inch by two-inch tumor in Joshua’s chest has been reduced to scar tissue. This combined with tests showing Joshua’s bone marrow to be cancer-free means that his cancer is, by all accounts, in remission.

“Joshua, his doctors, modern technology, and the men and women who make it possible have beaten Joshua’s rare and aggressive cancer (T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma). Writing of his own part in beating this monster, Joshua says, ‘I’m rarer and more aggressive than that rare and aggressive cancer.’ Indeed he is.”

—Craig Biddle

Read the whole thing here:


Craig Biddle has been one of the most supportive individuals in my victorious fight against cancer.

I am glad I am alive. I am glad I can continue the honor of working with Craig Biddle.


I am a cancer survivor. I am so happy I can finally call myself that.


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Cancer Updates

August 6, 2012:

“A hearty ‘thank you!’ to everyone who has contributed to help Joshua Lipana cover the costs of his cancer treatment. . . .

“Toward inspiring more donations, let me say a few words about Joshua and why helping him is, in fact, helping yourself.

“Joshua is a warrior for liberty. He has dedicated his life to fighting for reason, egoism, and capitalism. And, in this regard, he is the most promising young man I have ever met. The reason is threefold: his ambitiousness, his intelligence, and his independence.” —CB

Click here to read more:

August 26, 2012:

“I’m delighted to report that Joshua’s prognosis continues to improve. According to his doctors, chemotherapy is working, Joshua’s bone marrow is now cancer-free, and the tumor in his left lung has been reduced to a fraction of its original size.” —CB

Click here to read more:

September 1, 2012:

Ayn_Rand_Stamp“Joshua Lipana is battling lymphoma. You may know Joshua from his contributions to The Objective Standard magazine. We would like to help him with his mounting medical expenses by donating $50 for each “Ayn Rand Stamp Poster” purchased through September 30, 2012. Only 17 of these posters remain available. Get yours before they are gone forever and help this fine young man win his battle against this disease.” —Cordair Fine Arts

Click here to read more:

September 30, 2012:

Sept_30_Joshua_is_FreeAfter 152 days of fighting cancer, I’m now out of the hospital and in remission. I am so happy. 🙂

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Philippine Government Morally Must Crush New People’s Army

First published in The Objective Standard Blog, September 13, 2012.

CommunistsThe communist insurgency known as the New People’s Army has admitted to bombing a carnival in the Philippines and injuring scores of civilians, including many children. The NPA has apologized for the civilian casualties, as if such a thing were unforeseeable when attacking a carnival.

In their effort to establish a dictatorship in the Philippines, the NPA has inflicted brutality after brutality upon the Filipino people—from perpetrating massacres, to “recruiting” children as soldiers in their cause, to destroying the property of those who refuse to bow to their collective will.

Filipinos who care about their lives and liberties must demand that the Philippine government summarily destroy the New People’s Army, and, to do so, Filipinos will have to recognize and embrace the moral rightness in taking such action. As I wrote in “Around the World: ‘The Communist War against the Philippines and Why It Rages On’”:

The Philippine armed forces clearly have the means to destroy the communist threat; what Filipinos and their government need is the moral resolve to allow the military do so.

If Filipinos want peace, security, and prosperity, they must come to recognize that the communist ideal of “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need” is morally wrong, politically wrong, and thus economically disastrous. Filipinos must demand that their government end the peace talks with the Communist Party, destroy the New People’s Army, and demand that all communist groups terminate their activities immediately or face retribution.

The NPA’s latest atrocity further underscores the urgent need for the Philippine government to destroy the communist menace.

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Filed under War

Announcement: “Joshua Lipana Diagnosed with Cancer, Prognosis is Promising”

Please click the link for the full announcement:

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Filed under History

Could You be Flying Cars in a Few Years?

First published in TOS Blog.

Terrafugia_Transition_Production_Prototype_AirVenture1Exciting things are happening in the flying car industry (yes, there is a flying car industry). CBS reports that Terrafugia, an American company, just conducted a successful test flight of its flying car. A Dutch company successfully tested its model in the same week. These amazing developments have the potential to drastically change the way we travel, making it easier, faster, and a lot more exciting.

Check out the videos. Here’s the Terrafugia Transition:

And here’s the Dutch model, the Pal-V:


If the video of the Pal-V doesn’t appear above, click here to view its test flight.

Image: Creative Commons by Ian Maddox


Filed under Capitalism