Monthly Archives: January 2013

Cancer Update: “Joshua Lipana, His Doctors, and Modern Technology Beat Cancer”

“I’m delighted to announce that Joshua Lipana’s most recent CT Scan shows across-the-board improvements, including ‘Near complete resolution of mediastinal abnormality.’ What was a five-inch by two-inch tumor in Joshua’s chest has been reduced to scar tissue. This combined with tests showing Joshua’s bone marrow to be cancer-free means that his cancer is, by all accounts, in remission.

“Joshua, his doctors, modern technology, and the men and women who make it possible have beaten Joshua’s rare and aggressive cancer (T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma). Writing of his own part in beating this monster, Joshua says, ‘I’m rarer and more aggressive than that rare and aggressive cancer.’ Indeed he is.”

—Craig Biddle

Read the whole thing here:


Craig Biddle has been one of the most supportive individuals in my victorious fight against cancer.

I am glad I am alive. I am glad I can continue the honor of working with Craig Biddle.


I am a cancer survivor. I am so happy I can finally call myself that.


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