Monthly Archives: May 2012

Could You be Flying Cars in a Few Years?

First published in TOS Blog.

Terrafugia_Transition_Production_Prototype_AirVenture1Exciting things are happening in the flying car industry (yes, there is a flying car industry). CBS reports that Terrafugia, an American company, just conducted a successful test flight of its flying car. A Dutch company successfully tested its model in the same week. These amazing developments have the potential to drastically change the way we travel, making it easier, faster, and a lot more exciting.

Check out the videos. Here’s the Terrafugia Transition:

And here’s the Dutch model, the Pal-V:


If the video of the Pal-V doesn’t appear above, click here to view its test flight.

Image: Creative Commons by Ian Maddox


Filed under Capitalism