Monthly Archives: October 2010

A John Galt Running for Congress: My Interview with Stephen Bailey

I recently interviewed Republican congressional candidate Stephen Bailey for NewsReal Blog.

Here’s a few excerpts from our interview:

“NRB: Right off the bat, If you had the power, what government agency would you remove immediately? (Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Education etc.)

SB: The Department of Education. Education is too important to trust to the federal government. It also makes no sense to send tax money from Colorado to DC to feed a bureaucracy that adds no discernible value but attaches strings to the pittance it sends back. It is best for education funds to remain as local as possible with the greatest amount of local (parental) accountability and control.

With our budgetary problems, every federal agency needs to be carefully scrutinized. Very few meet constitutional scrutiny or have a proven record of a justified existence.


NRB: What are some of your favorite books?

SB: Favorite typically refers to what you enjoy reading which is not always the same as the books you value the most. Of course, I enjoy all of Ayn Rand’s books – fiction and non-fiction. I also enjoy every book from Alexander Dumas that I have read. Other fiction authors that I have enjoyed include Victor Hugo and Tom Clancy.

The most valuable book I have ever read is Rand’s Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology. By teaching me how to think, this book has literally made me the man I am today and is the most directly responsible for my success in business.

NRB: Finally, what do you think is the biggest difference between you and your opponent from the Democratic Party?

SB: I believe that your life is yours to live for your purpose in the pursuit of your dreams and happiness. Jared Polis believes your life is not yours and that you will live it for whatever purpose he or the government decides it should be lived for.”


Read the whole interview in NewsReal Blog….


Filed under Favorites

Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar Walk out on The Truth

Published a few days ago in the American Thinker

Here’s two Excerpts:

“In another clear example of what happens when Lefties encounter the truth, Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg upon being told by Bill O’Reilly that “Muslims killed us on 9/11” walked out while on The View. Actually they didn’t just walk out, they pretty much freaked out…”

“…an angle to the GZM which most people like him just don’t realize. It’s not a matter of taste, it’s a matter of grave importance involving the United States war effort. The GZM should be stopped because of what it would do to U.S soldiers and all of its allies in the world. The GZM would embolden every Islamist out there from the insurgents in Afghanistan, to the Islamists who threaten allied states like the Philippines and India, not to mention Israel. Every ally of the U.S which has a far inferior military will see themselves facing a strong, confident passionate enemy who thinks they’re winning. How long do you think the allies of the U.S will be able to take that while Obama withholds all the much needed support for the good guys?”

Read the whole thing in American Thinker….

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Free Enterprise Endorses Stephen Bailey

I am proud to announce that I and the periodical I own, Free Enterprise, is officially endorsing Stephen Bailey for congressman in the 2nd District of Colorado. You can see the official Endorsement here in this PDF:

Free Enterprise Endorses Stephen Bailey.PDF

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Ed Schultz Fights Reality, Claims Leftist Cluster Equals Beck’s Rally

Published once more in The American Thinker a few days ago. Here’s a short Excerpt:

“Leftists have many enemies. Big Business, Conservative Radio, “The Right Wing Conspiracy.” But none so much as their most consistent enemy, Reality.”

Read the whole thing here…

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Intelligence Reports: Bin Laden Will Strike in Europe, U.S to Issue Travel Warnings

Published on The American Thinker a few days ago. Here’s an Excerpt

“Since no other group has done more to undermine the security of the West than they, it’s fitting that the Leftist rally in DC would coincide with the Obama administration’s decision that a travel warning for a continent where Western Civilization started is appropriate.

As Fox News reports:

The Obama administration will issue a warning Saturday to U.S. travelers in Europe to avoid places frequented by Westerners after new intelligence suggested an attack by Al Qaeda could be imminent, a senior U.S. intelligence official told Fox News.

This sentence in particular is very disturbing and revealing: “…issue a warning Saturday to U.S. travelers in Europe to avoid places frequented by Westerners” But isn’t Europe a part of the West? The…”

Read the whole thing Here….

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