Monthly Archives: April 2010

On Mar Roxas

Mar Roxas is one of the major reasons why the “Cheaper Medicines Act” was passed. He now wants “Anti-Trust” bills in the senate to be passed. Anti-Trust is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation that a government can pass, Ayn Rand once commented on the American Situation “The only thing that stands between us and the level of social disintegration presented in Atlas Shrugged is the fact that the statists do not dare as yet to enforce the antitrust laws to the full extent of their power.”

The reason why Anti-Trust laws are so dangerous is because it is a non-Objective law that gives politicians the power to prosecute anyone in the business community for any whim they might get; it is a blank check of Totalitarianism against the businessman.

On the subject of taxes, you will probably get a more consistent opponent of tax hikes from Mar Roxas but any consistency he demonstrates on the subject of taxes is greatly outweighed by the totalitarian controls he champions.

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